Saturday, September 20, 2014

CHAPTER 18 WEEK of SEP 12 to SEP 20

We have just had a blast of a week with our dear friends Brenda and Dennis Hislop!  What a wonderful visit with these good, fun, eternal friends.  Brenda and Nancy met in college in Hawaii.  Dennis and Chuck served their missions in Peru.  Fast forward to finishing up at BYU when Chuck and Nancy set up Brenda and Dennis on a blind date that turned out to be a blind date that actually turned into an eternal date!  We have mentioned in previous posts about the wonderful friends we have been able to visit with here in Nauvoo--another awesome perk of our mission!


We also had Uncle Ed and Kathy visit us after they attended the Lucas Reunion in Elwood, Indiana which was so nice!!  They were here just briefly but were able to attend the fireside with us that we mention below and a session at the temple before they had to return to Indiana and then back to Texas.
Brenda and Dennis arrived on Sep 13 and we greeted them just as we were going into our temple shift.  Sunday we went to church together and then had lunch and visited some of the sites and then went to a fireside with Craig Dunn at the Visitor's center entitled "Crime Scene Investigation at Carthage Jail".  Very interesting take and very well researched information on the forensic evidence examined after the fact from many different sources.

Monday was our morning temple shift and Brenda and Dennis went to the temple.  They were in awe just like most people who have an opportunity to go to the Nauvoo Temple.  Brenda kept saying she didn't want to leave. 

We had lunch after our shift with Uncle Ed and Kathy before they had to leave for Indiana and Dennis and Brenda met up with us too at Grandpa John's.  That is always a "moment"!

Showing the sites to those who appreciate the spirit of Nauvoo is just inspiring and that is probably not the right word.  They felt like we feel when we came here.  The spirit of Nauvoo is contagious, calming, and continually deepens testimonies.  We hit them all including Rendevous and Carthage too. We even added one we had not had a chance to--the Carriage Ride to Inspiration Point.  What a great experience.  This is the description of the Carriage Ride to Inspiration Point from
"If you have a touch of the pioneering spirit, take a horse-drawn carriage ride north of the Historic Nauvoo Visitors’ Center and hear good stories and see great views!"

"This 45-minute scenic tour takes you through a wooded area to Inspiration Point, where you can overlook the “Mighty Mississippi” at one of its widest points. You can also hear the touching story of the death of King Follet, a dear friend of Joseph Smith, at whose funeral Joseph preached."
It totally lived up to its description!!!
In Carthage we practically had the place to ourselves.  Only 2 other people were on our tour with us and we were able to stay in "the room" for longer than usual.  It is always a spiritual experience to be in Carthage.  It made it even more interesting after hearing the fireside on Sunday night with Brother Dunn.
Brenda and Dennis had ancestors that had been part of Nauvoo and we were able to go with them to the Lands and Records Office and they found out where they lived and we were able to see some of those spots too which we so enjoyed.  We also went to the Old Nauvoo Cemetery as well as the current Nauvoo Cemetery.  As Susan Easton Black Durrant counseled us--the Nauvoo experience is not complete without going to the temple, walking the Trail of Hope and going to the cemeteries.
For you "foodies" out there we hit the Nauvoo Hotel Buffet and Angelini's Italian Restaurant along with Grandpa John's and for Sunday we had Chicken Taco Casserole that ended up being a two night meal!   J
Each site we went too and experienced etches more deeply in our hearts the sacrifice of these faithful saints and the miracles of heaven that were in abundance to help them to have the Nephi spirit of "go and do" and do it WILLINGLY!
We will definitely remember this grand time with these dear friends!  Thanks Brenda and Dennis!  Totally fun city!!  J
Here is a link to the album with all the pictures of our experience as well as a few additional pictures of our Pelican and Geese friends here in Nauvoo and probably the last pictures of the yellow wild flowers that have added such a happy moment for Nancy when she sees them. J

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