Tuesday, July 8, 2014


Monday—June 30—AM shift.  Tonight we had a huge thunder and lightning storm.  This went on for more than 30 minutes.  It was quite spectacular.  It happened when we went to bed and the whole room lit up every time there was lightning.  We do not get those kinds of storms in California.

Tuesday—July 1—wow, already July, my how time is flying by.  After our AM shift e went to have lunch at Grandpa John’s—they have awesome French fries.  While we were on Mulholland we saw the Nauvoo Bagpipe Band performing.  This band comes every year the week before the Pageant starts to go to several of the outlying areas to play and publicize the Nauvoo Pageant.  They are all volunteers and come for a 2 week stint just like the cast from the Pageant.  So in essence, the performers change every two weeks.  There is a core cast for the Pageant but all of the rest of the supporting cast comes for just 2 weeks and then a new cast comes in as we understand it.  It was quite a special treat to just come upon the band today and we really felt the spirit of their performance and were reminded of President Hinckley’s love the bagpipes.  A picture is included in this weeks album (link included at the end of this post.)

Wednesday—July 2—After our AM shift today we had a message that Norma and Larry Crowder dear friends from Elwood, Indiana were in town and so we were able to visit and have dinner with them at the Hotel Nauvoo Buffet.  After dinner we went to the Susan Easton Black Durrant Lecture on the saints in Quincy.  Two significant conversions took place there.  The Ezra T. Benson family and the John Browning family.  President Ezra Taft Benson came from this family and John Browning is the gunsmith who gave much to help the saints.  It was great fun to see Norma and Larry.

Thursday—July 3—We went to the S. E. B. D. lecture in the morning on Baptisims for the Dead.  They were first performed in Nauvoo in the Mississippi River and most of the temple revelations came to Joseph Smith when he was conducting and speaking at the many funerals in Nauvoo.  After we were done with our shift we went to Sunset on the Mississippi.  Another thoroughly enjoyable performance.  When we got home we had a message from Wanda and Dean Jacobs telling us there were in Nauvoo and wanted to come over after they finished dinner.  So about 9:30 they showed up and we chatted for a while and then made plans to have lunch on Friday at Grandpa John’s at 11:30.  What a treat to see Wanda and how happy she is beging married to Dean.  Fun time.

Friday—July 4—7 AM Flag Raising Ceremony at the Visitor’s Center.  Nauvoo Brass Band and a brief patriotic message started off our 4th of July celebration which really brought the spirit of this great day of celebration in America.


One of the quotes that was mentioned came from Harold B. Lee on this great nation of America:

"Men may fail in this country, earthquakes may come, seas may heave beyond their bounds, there may be great drought, disaster, and hardship, but this nation, founded on principles laid down by men whom God raised up, will never fail. This is the cradle of humanity, where life on this earth began in the Garden of Eden. This is the place of the new Jerusalem. This is the place that the Lord said is favored above all other nations in all the world. This is the place where the Savior will come to His temple. This is the favored land in all the world. Yes, I repeat, men may fail, but this nation won't fail. I have faith in America ; you and I must have faith in America , if we understand the teachings of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We are living in a day when we must pay heed to these challenges.
I plead with you not to preach pessimism. Preach that this is the greatest country in all the world. This is the favored land. This is the land of our forefathers. It is the nation that will stand despite whatever trials or crises it may yet have to pass through." -- Harold B. Lee  (Ye Are the Light of the World, 350-51)

There were no fireworks in Nauvoo but there were in Keokuk but we did not go.  The Nauvoo fireworks were scheduled for Saturday evening at 9:30 PM.  The LucasFam 4th of July celebrations have changed in the last few years from our usual Balboa Island celebrations at the Algeo’s but everyone celebrated in one way or another.  John’s family had a firework bonanza in front of his house with a bush catching on fire across the street.  Josh and Justin’s family spent the 4th in Oregon together.  Jared’s family spent the 4th in Idaho and were even in the Star, Idaho parade.  Jeff spent the 4th in Yosemite and Marilyn did go to the Algeo’s on the 3rd to celebrate our usual tradition with them.

Saturday—July 5—on our walk this morning we saw the Mississippi Flooding in Nauvoo at the end of Parley Street.  We had heard that the Mississippi had been starting to flood this week in Burlington and Fort Madison and evidently it came down farther to Nauvoo.  It is reported that this is the first time since 2008 that there has been this much flooding.  A picture in the newspaper showed how bad it was in Burlington.  This is a town just about 50 miles north of Nauvoo across the bridge on the Iowa side of the Mississippi.  The picture below was from a local newspaper.

The picture album has pictures of the Parley Street flooding in Nauvoo.

Sunday—July 6—we went to church today in the Nauvoo 1st Ward because we were having the Break the Fast Event at the Curtis home.  There were over 1500 people at this ward today and so we sat in the YW Room and listened to Sacrament Meeting.  It was quite an amazing sight to have that many at a Sacrament meeting.  In Relief Society we had a lesson on Daughter’s of the Covenant by President Eyring.  Even though this was directed to the sisters, the message of being a covenant people was loud and clear.  Covenant keeping has been discussed by Sister Linda K. Burton at the September 2013 General Relief Society Meeting in her talk entitled, “The Power, Joy and Love of Covenant Keeping” and then again this past April at the first ever General Women’s Meeting where the audience was girls ages 8 and up attending with the young women and women of the  Church—a landmark broadcast.  Sister Rosemary Wixom reinforced this topic once again along with President Eyring in her talk entitled, “Keeping Covenants PROTECTS US, PREPARES US AND EMPOWERS US.”   We believe there is an important message from Heavenly Father to us regarding this sacred topic of covenant keeping and so we share just a few of the key points from these talks:

President Eyring told members of the worldwide congregation that they were tutored by their Heavenly Father before they came into this life. “He helped you understand and accept that you would have trials, tests, and opportunities perfectly chosen just for you. You learned that our Father had a plan of happiness to get you safely through those trials and that you would help bring others safely through theirs. This plan is marked by covenants with God.”
It is a free choice to make and keep covenants, he explained. “Only a few of His daughters [sons] have the opportunity in this life to even learn of those covenants. You are one of the favored few. You, dear sisters [brothers], each of you, is a daughter [son] in the covenant.”
To add impact to the above statement regarding “only a few…” the following was added by the RS teacher which should put it in perspective:
According to the official 2008 year end statistics for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, there are 13,508,509 members of the Church worldwide. The estimated world population is 6,706,993,152.  This means that Latter Day Saints make up barely over 0.2% of the world's population. (The exact number is 0.20141%)
Elder Eyring emphasized “that the path back to live again with Heavenly Father is marked by sacred covenants with God.”
Sister Linda K. Burton taught the following:

“. . .we demonstrate our love for our Father in Heaven and for our Savior,” she said by “making and keeping our covenants which is an expression of our commitment to become like the Savior.”
She gave three reasons to make and keep covenants:
1. Covenant keeping strengthens, empowers, and protects.
2. Keeping covenants is essential for true happiness.
3. Keeping our covenants demonstrates our love for the Savior and our Father in Heaven.

Covenant keeping, she said, is one way for Latter-day Saints to express their love for the incomprehensible, infinite Atonement of their Savior and Redeemer and the perfect love of their Father in Heaven.
We had a lovely Break the Fast event at the Curtis home with the Gorrell’s and the Henderson’s.  Sister Curtis made some very yummy French Dip sandwiches.  If anyone is interested in the recipe Sister Curtis shared it with me so let me know.

The Nauvoo Fireworks show was quite the hit lasting over 30 minutes.  We just had to walk down to the corner and had a great view.

Monday—July 7—Today we received an urgent request from President McArthur to be in the finale of the British Pageant with a practice at 8:00.  We went to that and sure enough we are in the British Pageant.  We are amused by this request to say the least.  We are singing with the other temple and site missionaries Called to Serve, a part of Oh Say What is Truth and Redeemer of Israel.  We stayed for the dress rehearsal and was deeply impressed with the British Pageant.  Everything was going fine with the dress rehearsal until the thunder and lightning storm hit full force and all of a sudden there was a down pour and the voice on the microphone said everyone is now released to go home.  So we didn’t see the end or practice our part once again but with God all things are possible so the show will go on and be wonderful.  We had walked over and got completely drenched going home.  Another mission experience to remember for sure!
Tuesday—July 8—P-Day.  We got up early today and went and save seats for the Nauvoo Pagenat debut tonight--this is the protocol we have learned. We had seen Sister Brockbank, our Nauvoo angel, at the pageant practice last night and she told us she was going to be at the Sarah Granger Kimball home today.  So we were able to do that today.  The story about the Pageant will be posted in next week's blog.

Special note to Chase and Lance:  It was so awesome talking with you on Skype today!!!  Love that we can do the multiple window Skyping so we can see each of your faces!!  Thanks Josh for setting that up.  It is so fun!!


Chapter 10 Photo Album Link

July 1 Nauvoo Moment from Chuck:
Nauvoo Moment (The Abundant Life)
The temple is the most sacred place on earth. It is a holy place dedicated to the highest forms of worship. It is a spiritual environment set apart from the outside world. The Temple is a spiritual haven where we can feel a special closeness to the Lord.
We visit the temple to find the peaceful serenity the Savior promised His followers in the New Testament. “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you.”   (John 14:27)
That is what I feel here in Nauvoo.  It is His peace, and it puts the cares of the world in their proper place. As we go to the temple as frequently as our lives permit, we are blessed with a peace that endures. (This peace can be found as we worship & serve in our own temple wherever that may be. We can also obtain this peace by visiting the temple grounds while we work on obtaining a temple recommend.)
Temple work in behalf of those who have died is performed as an act of love. It is unselfish & motivated only by the desire to bring God’s most treasured blessings to all of His children.
In the temple we receive answers to life’s profound questions. Who am I? Where did I come from? Why am I here on earth? What happens to me when life ends?
We learn of our premortal life with a loving Heavenly Father & of His plan of happiness for us during our mortal existence. We are taught about our divine heritage and we are given the opportunity to express our commitment to live according to the principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
We are instructed about our earthly beginnings & how those events relate to our eternal happiness. We learn about the relationship God had with Adam & Eve, our first earthly parents, in the Garden of Eden.
We witness God’s infinite love for all His children in providing a Savior – His own Son, Jesus Christ. We gain a greater understanding of and appreciation for Christ’s Atonement, which provides the power to rescue all of us from physical & spiritual death.
We came to earth to be tested & the promises we make in the temple become anchors of stability in our daily living.
Progressing & understanding who we are is a step-by-step process. It is the work of a lifetime.
The grace of Jesus Christ is extended to everyone, & eternal life in our heavenly home will be granted to all who accept that grace through their faithful obedience.
We are all God’s children & we have equal standing before Him. Contentment, inner harmony, resilience, & peace are attainable for all of us because of the atonement of Christ.
The Lord’s invitation is offered to all: “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” (John 10:10)
Our family is living the abundant life. Our blessings outnumber the trials we experience. Working together in Christ we have been promised we cannot fail. Our eternal destiny, even now, with all that has happened is secure in our Savior’s love & grace as we come unto Him. I know God lives and that He loves us. I know when we stop doubting & believe – Miracles Happen! (It is not too late, in fact, this is the best day yet to begin) I love you and I pray for your welfare as I know you pray for mine. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
(Adapted from Nauvoo Illinois Temple Brochure, printed 2002)

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